Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Cheers to the New Year!

This was a great year. I baked so many new things - breads, vegan recipes, cakes, I read a whole bunch of different books, I met so many interesting people, and most importantly I learned so freaking much! My brain is going to explode trying to hold in all this new knowledge. This year I plan on doing the same. I'm going to continue to challenge myself in the kitchen by baking new recipes, experimenting with ingredients, and learning new techniques. I've been gifted many cookbooks this past Christmas and am excited to find new inspiration in every recipe. As usual I am starting up my 25-book pledge for the year. In 2014 I read two more books than I did in 2013 and this year I plan on upping my reading game once again! I'd also like to expand genres - maybe throw in some mystery books and biographies - so I'm very open to any suggestions. I also want to spend more time outdoors, even when it's cold and I want to put more effort into staying connected with friends near and far.

This year I don't have any grand resolutions. I want to continue to try and better myself through giving, healthy living, and kindness.  I'll blog from time to time, not necessarily on a schedule, but when I feel like I have something worth sharing - when there is something that makes me happy, and I think can make others happy too. Cheers to the new year!

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